Serving others by means of accounting.

Our mission is that "Through teamwork, growth, and integrity, Grafton & Associates serves our clients, families, and the community"


Financial matters have a seemingly unique ability to create anxiety and uncertainty in a human's heart. The ever-increasing tax law, regulations, and accounting rules don't help matters. Using a team concept in our office, we desire to also team with you and other professionals (such as investment advisors or attorneys) to provide greater clarity and comfort in your financial matters.


We desire two types of growth:
  • Your growth - of your resources and the financial matters that you have attained or been entrusted to steward. 
  • Our professional growth - not in size, but in value to our clients, our families, and our community. We will grow and learn so that we can provide further value  to our clients and community.


Integrity is a core need for any fruitful interaction with others. But our clients open up very personal areas of finances and stewardship for our assistance. We hold this special privilege in a sense of awe. The only proper response is the highest integrity in how we act to and for our clients and community members, whether we are helping with planning, compliance, or attesting to the facts of a matter.


We strive to be of an "accountant's mind" but a servant's heart. We recognize that the value of what we provide is found not only in what we provide, but the spirit with which it is provided. 
From our founder's vision to our current team's, we acknowledge that service is how we can use our particular wiring, skills, and knowledge for the benefit of those around us. While last in our mission, it is the key to understanding our firm.
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